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Blanket Purchase Orders

A blanket purchase order issued to a vendor that may be left open for a complete fiscal year. The goods or services in the amount specified on the blanket purchase order may be ordered throughout the fiscal year as needed by the department.

When to Use

You may use a blanket purchase order when the same or similar goods and services are ordered regularly throughout a fiscal year.

How to Submit

Requests for blanket purchase orders should be submitted to 1220 Purchasing as a requisition. Attachments may be sent to 1220 Purchasing or emailed to Be sure to put the Datatel requisition number on the attachments.

How to Use

The department orders direct with the vendor once a blanket purchase order has been issued by Purchasing, and also maintains records on what is purchased in order to verify the accuracy of the vendor's invoices.


A voucher must be prepared when a vendor’s invoice is received. All vouchers need to be made against the blanket by first utilizing the BPUM screen in Datatel before going on to the VOUM screen. The vendor's invoice must be stamped with the electronic voucher number, and forwarded to 1200 Comptroller's Office.


If you need to make changes to a blanket purchase order, please use the Electronic Purchase Order Change Forms (Updated 10/2/2018) and you can request to close, rollover, or amend any open PO.

  • To amend the dollar level on a purchase order, select "Amendment".
  • When a blanket purchase order is no longer needed, select "Close".
  • If the balance of a blanket purchase order needs to be extended to the next fiscal year, select "Rollover".