Purchasing Office
For Vendors
Find registration information, details for sub-contractors, and useful forms to make your experience with Illinois State as easy as possible.
For Campus
Purchases under $10,000.
Purchases $10,000 and over
Purchase Orders
PO/Blanket PO Information
Bidding Process
Bidding Process Requirements
Sharepoint Requests and Procurement Docs.
Agreements for Services
ISU Agreement for Services Utilization
Credit Card Purchases
Office Supplies
Office Depot
Supplier Diversity
BEP and Diverse Vendor Requirements
Available Training Opportunities
University Resources
2024 Student Housing and Dining P3
Illinois State University requests proposals for a public–private partnership arrangement with an established firm for the provision of student residential and dining facilities near the campus. The University is seeking to augment its current on-campus housing offerings to meet the needs of students.
Although the desired contract is intended to be a concession under the State of Illinois Procurement Code, ISU is following a more comprehensive Request for Proposal process to ensure fair competition. Responses will be accepted through September 12, 2024 at 2 PM. The Request for Proposal may be downloaded from the Illinois Higher Education Procurement Bulletin Website located at http://www.procure.stateuniv.state.il.us/ Notice #SBD091224. For any additional questions, contact ISUPurchasing@ilstu.edu.
2. Request for Information: #JR091224
Off Campus Student Housing Master Lease
Illinois State University
Responses will be accepted at the address below until 2:00 PM, Thursday, September 12, 2024:
Purchasing Office
Illinois State University at College Place Uptown
1220 Campus Box
100 South Fell Avenue, Suite D
Normal, IL 61790
Illinois State University on behalf of University Housing Services requests proposals from qualified providers for off-campus student residential facilities near the campus, built in 2018 or more recently, that meet criteria described in the solicitation. The University is seeking to augment its current on-campus housing offerings to meet the needs of single, undergraduate students in a type of housing not currently available on the campus.
Full documentation is located at Illinois Higher Education Procurement Bulletin Website (http://www.procure.stateuniv.state.il.us/) Notice #JR091224.
For additional information, contact Jackie Gunderson - ISUPurchasing@ilstu.edu
3. Per Illinois Procurement Code 30 ILCS 500/30-30(a-5), this memo serves as notice that construction bid MC220103, which will be awarded in excess of $250,000, has been posted to the Illinois Produrement Bulletin utilizing a single prime justification.
University submits a written notice to the Procurement Policy Board (PPB) and Commission on Equity and Inclusion (CEI) which includes the reasons for using the single prime method and an explanation as to why it is in the best interest of the State. The notice must be posted to the Bulletin and the University’s procurement webpage at least 3 business days following submission to the PPB and CEI.
This posting may be viewed in full at: https://www.procure.stateuniv.state.il.us/dsp_notice.cfm?mName=findNotice&i=ISU&p=MC220103
4. Per Illinois Procurement Code 30 ILCS 500/30-30(a-5), this memo serves as notice that construction bid MC220048, which will be awarded in excess of $250,000, has been posted to the Illinois Produrement Bulletin utilizing a single prime justification.
University submits a written notice to the Procurement Policy Board (PPB) and Commission on Equity and Inclusion (CEI) which includes the reasons for using the single prime method and an explanation as to why it is in the best interest of the State. The notice must be posted to the Bulletin and the University’s procurement webpage at least 3 business days following submission to the PPB and CEI.
This posting may be viewed in full at: https://www.procure.stateuniv.state.il.us/dsp_notice.cfm?mName=findNotice&i=ISU&p=MC220048
News and Information
Charter Bus Reservations
As of July 1, 2024, Fleet Services will no longer support Charter bookings. University departments should work directly with University preferred charter vendors to secure their charter reservations. To ensure availability, Departments should contact these vendors well in advance of their trip.
Departments should initiate charter bus arrangements directly with the below University-approved vendors as often as possible. When booking with these vendors, no additional contracts should be required. If the trip cost is in excess of $10,000, the University requisition process should be followed with a requisition and vendor quote submitted through Sharepoint. If under $10,000, no additional steps should be required. Departments may sign small purchase vendor quotes ONLY for the below pre-approved vendors.
If a Department cannot secure a reservation with a preferred vendor or if the reservation is cost prohibited, Departments may seek quotes from alternate vendors. These quotes should also include proof of insurance. Once an acceptable quote is received, Departments should submit the quote or contract and current certificate of insurance from the charter vendor to ISU Purchasing through Sharepoint no matter the dollar value.
University-Approved Vendors
- Illinois Central School Bus
- Peoria Charter
- Signature Transportation (may only be utilized for 56-passenger busses at this time)
- Timi's Tours
- Windstar Lines
If you still have additional questions about securing a charter reservation, check out the ISU Purchasing page for additional information. Or, you may contact ISU Purchasing Office, (309) 438-1946.
Task Chairs
As of March 21, 2024, task chairs purchased from an IPHEC awarded vendor have been granted blanket Facilities Planning approval. Click HERE for a list of IPHEC awarded vendors and their contact information. Refer to the chart below to determine the requirements when purchasing a task chair. Humanscale is no longer an IPHEC awardee, but Humanscale task chairs have also been granted blanket Facilities Planning approval.
IPHEC Vendor or Humanscale
Non-IPHEC Vendor
Does Facilities need to review
YES - Email: fpcffereview@ilstu.edu
Does Purchasing need to review
YES - and Submit a requisition
YES - If value is $500+ including shipping
Email: ISUPurchasing@ilstu.edu
YES - If using a P-Card
Submit a P-Card exception
YES - If ordering from Amazon or ODP
Email: ISUPurchasing@ilstu.edu
Ship To Codes
Ship To Codes are two-digit codes entered in the “Ship To” field in Colleague when submitting a requisition (REQM). This field will be printed on the purchase order for vendors to determine where invoices are delivered. All goods listed on a purchase order are delivered to Central Receiving. Only invoices will be sent to the location indicated by the Ship To code entered. Entering a Ship To code is beneficial because it provides vendors an address to issue invoices directly to your department without first needing to funnel through Purchasing. If you are looking for information on how to have goods delivered to a location other than Central Receiving, please contact Purchasing at ISUPurchasing@ilstu.edu with details for guidance.
A complete index of current Ship To codes is available in the Ship to Codes.xlsx document. If you represent a department that has a need for a new Ship To code or updates to the current Ship To codes listed, please complete this form .
***For full details, see the Purchasing Requisitions webpage*** -
Prior to engaging the services of a current or former employee as an independent contractor, the department(s) contracting for services must assess the relationship with the individual providing such services to ensure that they are properly classified as an independent contractor. Resources to assist in making the appropriate determination may be located on the University Payroll Office Employee Determination website .
As part of the assessment process, the department(s) contracting for the services to the University need to obtain the Dean/Director’s approval from both the contracting department and the employing or formerly employing department. These approvals are now part of a Kuali workflow process. Once the appropriate approvals have been received, the Director of Purchasing must sign the agreement regardless of dollar amount.
Given the characterization of a person as an independent contractor or as employee has important tax and non‐tax consequences to both the University and the individual, the Office of the Vice President of Finance and Planning or its designee, University Comptroller’s Office, reserves the right to reclassify the designations as deemed appropriate.
Important Note: Failure to obtain an approved conflict of interest review prior to services beginning or an agreement being signed is a violation of University policy; resulting in reporting of the violation and needing approval from the President to pay the individual.
***For full details, including a link to the Kulai workflow process, see the Purchasing Acquisitions webpage*** -
Amazon Business Prime
The University now has a single Amazon Business Prime account for the entirety of campus. If you have completed the account setup with the launch of this program you can access your account through the following link: Centralized ISU Amazon Business Prime. For those that need to set up or transfer their account, contact Rebecca Grider by email at rmcarls1@ilstu.edu. If you intend to make purchases over $1,000.00, please provide your budget officer's information, as those purchases will need their approval.
***For full details, see the Purchasing Acquisitions webpage***
**NEW** Requisition Threshold Increased to $10,000
Starting 7/1/22 the requisition threshold is increased to $10,000. NOTE: All vendor contracts must be reviewed and signed by Purchasing regardless of dollar amount and can be submitted through the Sharepoint Intake Portal. The only exception to this is when departments utilize a standard University agreement such as the Agreement for Services.
Small Purchase Procedures (Updated)
Starting July 1, 2020 all small purchases over $20,000 willrequire 3 or more quotes submitted along with the requisition (including at least one quote from a certified diverse vendor)
The Chief Procurement Office of Higher Education has established rules regarding purchases over $20,000 and under bid level ($100,000 for most types of procurements):
Rule 4.2020 - Purchases over $20,000 - quotes must be sought from multiple vendors, be in writing, promote small and diverse businesses, and be maintained in the procurement file.
Spring Procurement/Comptroller Training Slides
Due the stay-at-home directive from the governor, there will be no face-to-face training presentation this year. However, the presentation slides are available for you as a resource and have been updated accordingly.
New and significant changes have been highlighted in a blue font throughout the slides. These include topics such as:
- P-Card Review: New Orientation Requirements
- Office Depot: Order Approval Changes
- Business Enterprise Program (BEP): Information on the Diverse Vendor Program
- State/Cooperative/Cooperative Resources: Link to Available State Contracts
- Agreement for Services: New Force Majeure Language
- Voucher Process:Guidance on Voucher Expectations
- Fiscal Year-End Guidelines: Late Requisition Submission Requirements
SharePoint Requisition Intake System
Reminder: The SharePoint requisition intake system is the only acceptable method to submit requisition documentation, contracts under $10,000, and Budget Officer approvals to the Purchasing Department. Please note that this does not replace the need to create a requisition in Colleague/Datatel, but it is a uniform way to submit backup documentation, provide crucial information to the Purchasing Office, and allows for Budget Officer approval through the SharePoint system instead of in Colleague/Datatel.
Training sessions for this new submission process and on how to best utilize the Purchasing SharePoint Dashboard will be available monthly.
You can register for one of the training sessions at the Purchasing website, or here is the link.